"He who has ears to hear, let him hear." Luke 14:35b

Guest Post Submission Guidelines

The guidelines below will help ensure your post is a good fit for this blog before you submit. Please take a moment to read archived posts to become familiar with content. Pray about your post before submitting and have a willing heart to take feedback, if given the opportunity to revise and resubmit before acceptance.

Does your post consider the costs for following Christ in some manner? For example, the post can deal with persecuted Christians, current legislative bills before Congress that will affect religious freedoms, traveling as a Christian to a country hostile to Christians, abortion, marriage, issues within the church, or America’s current direction of becoming a secular progressive nation. These are general ideas to help guide you. If you’re unsure if your post is appropriate, feel free to send it to me, and I’ll kindly let you know. J

Please submit the entire post you’d like considered for Count The Costs. (No query necessary.)

Posts should be 500-800 words. If it goes longer, divide into two posts and have a clear ending for both, with part one leading into part two. If you’re unsure of how to do this, look at the archives for previous two-part posts.

Make sure facts and statistics are clearly documented. I should be able to easily double-check facts through links shared. I don’t have time to search for the facts and links myself.

Submit post as a word document with 12-pt. font through e-mail attachment to laurapoole565@gmail.com. No fancy or intricate formatting, please.

Also attach an author bio of 100 words. If selected for publication, I’ll ask for a photo, as well, if you’d like to share one.

Please remember all posts are subject to editing for clarity and brevity. If substantial edits are necessary, I’ll return the post for your perusal first. If unacceptable, I’ll gently decline posting. Other reasons for rejection might include previously written or accepted posts on a similar topic or timing or content may not be appropriate for what I’m trying to provide my readers.

I look forward to hearing from you!

God bless,

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